Alex Kim
Alex Kim
Peculiar Velocity Surveys Using Supernovae Discoveries from ZTF-II and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
DESI Spectral Subtraction Transient Search
Outlier Detection in DESI
Snowmass CPM Presentations
Opportunities for Type Ia Supernova Peculiar Velocity Surveys
Characterizing the Sample Selection for Supernova Cosmology
Characterizing the Sample Selection for Supernova Cosmology
Opportunities for Peculiar Velocity Surveys Using DESI, ZTF-II, and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
Probing gravity and growth of structure with gravitational waves and galaxies' peculiar velocity
Fiber Integral Field Unit For Supernova Spectroscopy (FIZ)
Complementarity of Peculiar Velocity Surveys and Redshift Space Distortions for Testing Gravity
Time Domain Cosmology
SkyPortal Demo
Testing Gravity Using Type Ia Supernovae Discovered by Next-Generation Wide-Field Imaging Surveys
Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae
Implications for the Hubble Constant from the First Seven Supernovae at z >= 0.35
A Generalized K Correction for Type IA Supernovae: Comparing R-band Photometry beyond z=0.2 with B, V, and R-band Nearby Photometry